Another year goes by and it was... well, definitely different than the last one but still quite weird. The second consecutive Covid year was a rollercoaster ride of emotions where hope and despair went hand in hand and we're surely finished yet. Luckily, this resulted in quite outstanding musical releases which gave us much needed comfort and distraction in these difficult times. Today, we're honouring the fifty records that meant the most to us in the past twelve months.
Along with befriended musicians like Julien Baker, Daughter and the Twilight Sad the band revisits its beloved 2008 album 'The Midnight Organ Flight' and also launches a charity to raise awareness for mental health.
Craig Beaton, legendary figure of the Scottish indie music scene and his musical partner Graeme Smillie announced a final musical statement as A Mote Of Dust before the man quite possibly stops music alltogether. We owed it to him, that in this (possibly) last interview he got all the room he needed to explain himself. It became quite an extensive one: Honest to the bone, furious, warm and smart. Just like Craig Beaton's music...