How do you keep an overview about the countless new releases in the world of music? Well, easier said than done but thank god the staff of NBHAP keeps an overview. In this column one from the team personally reflects on the past four weeks and the music that mattered the most. This time it's the turn of Andreas Peters to ramble on about our favourite passion in the world.
It became an ongoing tradition on NBHAP to have all those 'End-Of-The-Year'-lists followed by an outlook of what lies ahead of us. So, buckle up and take a closer look what (hopefully) great albums might happen to us over the course of the next months.
There are surely a lot of things we can be thankful for in life. Gentrification isn't one of them though as Death Cab For Cutie rightfully point out on their latest album 'Thank You For Today' that deals with the challenges many places are facing today including its effect on people. Opening up a new chapter with their ninth album after longterm member Chris Walla's departure, the Seattle based band returns dealing with serious issues, but in high spirits.