Photo by Hannah Gorkenant
Okay, so it’s Valentine’s Day. The day of the lovers. Well, no matter what you think of it, how you will celebrate it or how you’re gonna ignore it. It doesn’t matter. And who says a date needs to feature a person. Couldn’t it just be a song? Well, sorry for the poor holiday-related introduction. This was basically an attempted play on words with Valentine’s Day and the phrase ‘date’ … but we screwed up since everything we wanted to say was… DINNERDATE, the electronic alter ego of Munich-based producer Simon Hoppe, recently delivered a rework of EDITORS‘ single Honesty and it is true dark bliss.
While last year’s fourth album The Weight Of Your Love by the British wave rockers was… well, different, to say the least. DINNERDATE managed to transform this not that strong tune into something truly brilliant. He puts the sinister voice of Tom Smith into a tender electronic environment, turning the former stadium rock ballad into a gentle little lullaby. He already did this before with reworks of tracks by JOSÉ GONZALEZ or BOY. So check out his Soundcloud page immediately. But one thing after another – first have a date with the sweet, sweet night and this phenomenal remix..