The sunny season has officially started and you can count on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION to give you the best possible soundtrack for it. For this year's restart of our beloved sun-drenched playlist we got a bit help from one of electronic music's hottest new people in the scene.
The 2020 holiday season will be a bit different than the last ones, a bit more lonely maybe for many of us or at least a bit more intimate. And maybe that's not the worst thing to happen in order to return to the core of the Christmas spirit. As always music can be a helpful ally in a time of despair and that's why we stocked up our moody festive playlist with great songs by some of your and our favourite artists. May this selection help you to get through this bleak winter time.
Cleverly timed nostalgia, a true second coming or just pure coincidence? Some of the most loved indie rock groups from the golden heydays of the early 21st century are set to return with new records this year. NBHAP head and original ‘survivor’ of the indie scene, Norman Fleischer, gives an overview of what to expect in the next months.