There’s always something quite fascinating about one-shot music videos, if you ask us. The good ones manage to create a captivating and hypnotic atmosphere that makes you constanlty question: How did they to it? In the case of German trio THE TROUBLE NOTES it is one that perfectly combines music and images while telling a slightly obscure story with an important story behind it. With Grand Masquerade the band is asking a question we can all relate to:

Have you ever had to mask your true self from your family, friends or peers?

THE TROUBLE NOTES are aiming to soundtrack the plight of the individual in a world filled with tradition and taboo and that might explain the fancy bird masks at least a bit, right? The music is an interesting and quite unsual combination of progressive rock roots with ryhthmic beats while also adding an exotic jazz flavour to the recipe. It’s not your everyday dance music but something that is quite catchy, indeed. NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is exclusively premiering the music video, directed by Lara Celenza and we think you should take a deeper look into this one right here.

The band is currently on tour (find the dates below) and Grand Masquerade can be found on the freshly released EP by the same name.