Photo by Marcus Nyberg
Exciting times ahead. As you should know by now the second Ja Ja Ja Club Event in Berlin will open its gates on November the 13th, presented by NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION. Find all information about the event right here. Besides Danish duo CANCER and Norwegian power-pop-ensemble TEAM ME tender Swedish songwriter ADNA will complete the line-up. And as we know the talented young lady she will most likely bewitch major parts of the audience with her dreamy and floating songs. Just the right music to accompany you on these impending winter days and nights.
And since the Ja Ja Ja events are a showcase for great new artists from the Nordic countries we thought it would be quite fitting to ask ADNA on her opinion about great artist from the North. Find seven of ADNA‘s favourite Scandinavian artists right here and also get an insight into the music that inspired her songs. Oh, and don’t forget to sign up for a Ja Ja Ja membership right here, get your tickets right here tickets and also RVSP on good old Facebook as well.
1. Ålen – ‘Amason’
Some of the best Swedish musicians joined their forces and started this band – Amason – which has been one of my favorites for almost two years now. The lead singer, Amanda Hollingby Mattsson, sings this song in a way that nobody else can. It’s just pure magic and beautiful Swedish poetry.
2. Jens Lekman – ‘Waiting for Kirsten’
If it’s not Håkan Hellström then it’s Jens Lekman who owns the heart of the Swedish indie poppers. This one is my favorite. One should listen to him telling the story behind the song.
3. Broder Daniel – ‘When We Were Winning’
To truly understand this band you probably need to be a teenager from Gothenburg during the late -90s, but one can try listening to Shoreline and imagine being 16 years old, being all dressed in black with stars painted in the face while smashing guitars (or anything else close to you) and drinking stolen red wine or really cheep ‘folköl’, smoking behind the school etc.
4. Loney Dear – ‘Ignorant boy, Beautiful girl’
The last choir teacher I had made an arrangement of this song for us in the choir, which we sang only once, but it was really beautiful, I think.
5. Dorena – ‘En Tonårsromans‘
Post-rock is almost like silence to me, in the way that it brings out all the emotions without me even trying. These guys and I share the same hometown and I used to go and see them live every time they were playing in Gothenburg.
6. Ólafur Arnalds – ‘Live In The Lobby’
Recently I saw an interview of Nils Frahm talking about the difference between composers and music makers, and he wanted to call himself a sound artist instead of anything else. I think of Ólafur as one of those too, who’s just a master of sound and always sees new things in it, the more he creates.
7. MØ – ‘Walk This Way’
Girlpower. <3