Photo by Niklas Nabb
Okay, time for a lesson in hip hop and r’n’b. Yes, we know, NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION isn’t that fit in these musical territories. But we’re ready to learn a few things. And who better teacher could we have than the talented young lad DACO JUNIOR. You might not have heard much from him yet but this is about to change. And we say ‘You’ll hear from him’ we mean mainstream radio, big stages and in the rooms of a lot of teenagers. Quite fascinating – when you listen to the shiney rap/pop sound of this young fellow you wouldn’t hink of him coming from Finland. But he actually does and it sounds like it’s only a matter of time before he’s on the same list as other ‘western’ pop stars
So, politely as we are, we asked DACO JUNIOR to give us not only one lesson in urban music, but seven to be excatly. Alright, young man. Show us how it’s done.
1. DRAKE – Hold on, Were Going Home
This song reminds me of the old me! The way I used to be when I was still living with my parents. young (not that I’m old now), careless and naive. The only mind boggling problem I had was to whom should I fall in love to next, haha!
2. J.COLE – Crooked Smile
I love the vibe in this J.COLE track! It’s cooool! The message in the music video is touching, wasn’t expecting anything like it though.
3. LAURYN HILL – To Zion
I love her voice! Never seen her perform live, damn!
Girls, girls, girls … but I’m a good boy though! The producer of this track, JR, makes such nice beats!
5. JENNIFER LOPEZ – I’m Real (feat. JA RULE)
By the time this song came out I was only 11-years old. I think the first time I heard this song was from MTV. I saw the music video… oh boy, how much I “liked” J.Lo! Wanted to be a rapper straight away, haha!
6. OUTKAST – Ms. Jackson
Now this is nostalgic! It takes me back to the times when I was still 10-year-old kiddo! I loved the music video! I thought it was cool that the animals were feeling the track as well!
7. THE WEEKND – The Knowing
Now this is just wow!!!