Photo by Matt Spalding
Tom Smith’s voice is an elemental force. And so is his charisma. This should be the red line of this night where more than 2000 people came to Leipzig’s Haus Auensee to celebrate the EDITORS in a sold out arena. Everyone in the audience seemed to grant the band all their success, even if most of the people know them since the underground days. The band had invited BALTHAZAR as support, who had a respectable hit with their single Fifteen Floors. They did a good job in front of a generous crowd. Always good to see when support bands are treated well, both by headliners and audience.
The EDITORS started their set with Sugar from the recent album The Weight Of Your Love. Starting like a band with long routine, the set grew with every song. The new record, which was not received with enthusiasm by every fan before, was represented with many songs that managed to convince also old fans in the live setting. Carried by an audience ready to celebrate their band, Tom Smith and his mates were carried towards the roof of the hall more and more. Five very passionate musicians really crafted every note in technical perfection and yet big emotion. On top of that, Tom Smith dies thousand deaths on stage and lets the audience participate in all emotional moves. When he climbed up his piano and stood like a statue in dim light, you know how magic looks. An impressive vocal performance together with huge charisma shows the secret of success for this band. It is rare to hear such a special voice that seems to even gain quality in the live setting.
After nearly two hours and two extra rounds, the EDITORS send us off to the night with a long version of Papillon, one of their biggest hits. The audience was sure to have seen a very entertaining live band which grows in change over the last albums and will definitely in the future.
Get back some summer feeling with this festival version of Sugar: