1. Right Now
2. Wazabi
3. 94
4. A Drop Of Water
5. Off Glory
6. Relics
7. Far Away
8. About You
9. No More Pride
Who is SOLDOUT? Well it is Belgium’s duo Charlotte Maison and David Baboulis! And they have a new record out, More. The band had two singles out in 2012, Wazabi and Off Glory, which are included in their new album featuring another seven songs.
SOLDOUT’s music has been described as sounding much like THE KNIFE, THE XX and GRIMES. This is mostly because of the general characteristics that this bands share, female vocals and an awesome sounding bass synthesizer.
The first song, Right Now, already presents us the basic elements that characterize most of the longplayer – nice and tight beats in combination with arpeggiated synths. The already known single Wazabi is mostly about the trippy vocal effects used on Charlotte’s lyrics. The most recent single 94 is not that elaborate on lyrics but it certainly has one of the best dance rhythms in this album. About You is probably the darkest sounding song in the album, with the help of the gloomy keyboard and lyrics used. It’s all very 80s, very retro sounding electro-pop. Clearly nothing entirely new. But the precise combination, the tight production and Maison’s stunning and captivating vocal work make it to one of the better recent longplayers that wanted to recreate the good old days of synthie-pop.
So, it looks like More might be a good choice for anyone who’s into this sort of music. SOLDOUT won’t redefine the genre but they definitely know how to add some good tunes to the catalogue. More is now available for download and physical release is expected on March 22.