There is a beauty in noise that many people sometimes don’t see at first. It can work as a transcendental affair but also as way of letting out impounded emotions and fears. ‘Most people have a lot of pent-up anxiety in the day and age and they want to let it out. And this is a great excuse to do that.’ – that’s what Alex Edkins of grungy rockers METZ told us a while ago and that sums up the whole thing pretty well. Yes, anger and frustration are often understandable and loud music can be a positive outlet for it all. And that’s the reason why we decided to finally compile an accompanying playlist for this emotional outburst – simpy titled Noise Attitude.

This selection of contemporary tunes and exciting new artists delivers a mixture of various genres and forms of noise and combines them all together in a four-hour long selection of extroverted emotional craziness. From hyped new British guitar bands like Shame, IDLES, Wolf Alice, YAK, Dream Wife and Hookworks to dark and aggressive underground rap (Death Grips, JPEGMAFIA, Ho99o9) to hauting post-punk (Savages, Preoccupations, Iceage) and heavy cross-over moments with dark wave and electronica (Grimes, HEALTH, The Soft Moon) – there’s also space for punk, post-hardcore, metal and… well, the Sleaford Mods because where else should we put these lads?

Our Noise Attitude Playlist wants to be your companion in these dark and often desperate times when sometimes all you can do is to simply shout or push people around in a mosh pit. And it’s also a great testament of talent and delivers 70 arguments for those who argue that modern music got not attitude and edginess anymore. Nope, it’s still here and it’s full of variety and spirit. This is ‘fist-in-the-air’ music, a kick in the guts we all could need right now to turn things around these days. So, without further ado – hit the play button, crank up the volume and let the world know how you f*ckin’ feel!

Slider & Facebook Image of IDLES shot by Paul Hudson