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NBHAP’s 50 Best Albums Of 2021

Another year goes by and it was... well, definitely different than the last one but still quite weird. The second consecutive Covid year was a rollercoaster ride of emotions where hope and despair went hand in hand and we're surely finished yet. Luckily, this resulted in quite outstanding musical releases which gave us much needed comfort and distraction in these difficult times. Today, we're honouring the fifty records that meant the most to us in the past twelve months.
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Shame On You, 2021! An Outlook On The New Year By The British Rockers

The new year is barely two weeks old and we're already pretty tired by it, maybe because we all still carry the luggage from 2020 with us. What a weird couple of months it has been but there's still hope for the future right. Shame, for a example, are finally back with their second studio album this week. So, we thought maybe they could help us to put this new year in perspective.
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Moody Christmas, Everybody! Stream Our Festive Playlist For The Socially Distanced Holiday Season

The 2020 holiday season will be a bit different than the last ones, a bit more lonely maybe for many of us or at least a bit more intimate. And maybe that's not the worst thing to happen in order to return to the core of the Christmas spirit. As always music can be a helpful ally in a time of despair and that's why we stocked up our moody festive playlist with great songs by some of your and our favourite artists. May this selection help you to get through this bleak winter time.
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Moody Christmas Times Are Upon Us! Yes, We Compiled A Playlist For The Festive Season

The holidays doesn't have to look and sound like an overdosed soda commercial. Instead we think Christmas should remind us of the things that matter, friends, family while also offering us moments of contemplation in those chaotic times. So, yes there are fitting songs to celebrate this mood, kindly provided by Molly Burch, Phoebe Bridgers, Sufjan Stevens, The National, LCD Soundsystem, Shame and more.
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NBHAP’s 50 Best Albums Of 2018

Another year full of releases has passed and at the end of it it's time to recap the best of them like we always do when then the year is about to close its curtain. So, without further ado please find the fifty albums that impressed us the most during the past 12 months right here and feel happily invited to fall in love with them as well.
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