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A Certain Regard: Making Sense of The Smile’s “A Light For Attracting Attention”

How can hype and expectation shape the music we hear? After one year of teasing, Thom Yorke and his indie elite company make their case with a debut that is in equal parts messy as it is spellbinding. For our new deep dive column, NBHAP author Nils Heutehaus took the time to jot down his notes on one of the most splendid 2022 musical happenings and he kindly invites you to take the journey with him.
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Lockdown Listening Challenge: Experiencing Radiohead’s Back Catalogue For The First Time

The current age of self isolation is forcing us to be creative, kill some time and maybe also do something we've never done before. Listening to music can be a great way of coping with the current situation and we decided to make a little challenge out of it. NBHAP head Norman is the first writer to participate in it by doing something he has never done before: Taking the time to explore the music of iconic British band Radiohead. Here's his personal daily diary.
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Kendrick Lamar - Photo by Christian San Jose

100 Must Listen Songs Of The 2010s: Numbers #50 – #26

As this decade is approaching its end it is time for a little reflection on all the great music we experienced over the course of it. Of course, this is NOT an ultimate and universal Top 100 list. It simply can't be but these are the songs you should definitely give a spin before the decade is over. The next 25 tracks in our list include Daughter, Kendrick Lamar, Editors, Blood Orange, Metronomy and more.
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