After introducing you to some of 2021's most promising new artists a while ago, we went one step further and brought some of those artists together in a virtual room to discuss what it feels like having a career in the music industry right now with ... well, everything's that's going on. The third edition of our little interview series connects Berlin's Sultans Court with King Hannah from Liverpool. Feel kindly invited to discover them right here.
Today is the eleventh of September – a date engrained in most of the people’s memories. 9/11 lies almost twenty years in the past now, yet many remain scarred by the horrific incident that shook the very foundations of New York City. A city crumbling to pieces right in front of your eyes is a sight you won’t forget for the rest of your life. The musicians Tobias Preisig and Lukasz Polowczyk both witnessed the Twin Towers collapse – an experience that reflects into the music of the new project Aint About Me.