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Henning Grabow

A Kid of the 90s but feeling older. Dreamer and proactive deplacer of inevitable truths. In a love/hate relationship with the Internet and digital world. Too introverted to be anything else but hopeful and passionate about these strange and beautiful times we live in. A romantic cynicist. Follow Henning on Twitter

Latest articles by Henning

‘May You Always Be Loved’: A Mote Of Dust’s Craig Beaton On Quitting Music

Craig Beaton, legendary figure of the Scottish indie music scene and his musical partner Graeme Smillie announced a final musical statement as A Mote Of Dust before the man quite possibly stops music alltogether. We owed it to him, that in this (possibly) last interview he got all the room he needed to explain himself. It became quite an extensive one: Honest to the bone, furious, warm and smart. Just like Craig Beaton's music...
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A Desire To Be Disarming: The Formula To Julien Baker’s Magic

Especially with her latest album 'Turn Out The Lights' Julien Baker won hearts all over the world, turning the 23 year old American into the darling of emotional indie songwriting. With her newly found supergroup Boygenius she just dropped another more than promising project. A talk to her reveals that she's got no agenda with all that, but to connect: The marginalized, the angry, the majority. All can relate to her disarming emotionality.
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