Who is it?

The praised alter ego of songwriter Laetitia Tamko, who was born in Cameroon and moved to New York City as a teen. VAGABON has already been praised with the term ‘indie rock game changer’ over at the good ol’ Pitchfork flagship and although we’re always a bit sceptical when it comes to exaggerated hypes we can’t help but calling the music of her debut album Infinite Worlds both – quite special and pretty good.

Why should you listen to it?

Shamefully, we totally overlooked the release of Infinite Worlds three weeks ago (come on, that can happen) but we’re ready to fire the buzz right now because the VAGABON debut is a gentle reminder of the magic honest DIY-infected independent music can have. Her smooth and reckless guitar pop tunes are filled with autentic anecdotes and all the feelings you have as an outsider, something that is both – universal and timeless. Same goes for the music of VAGABON which feels quite retro and raw but also comes with a certain contemporary vibe. Mrs. Tamko isn’t afraid to use electronic elements in her music without sounding pretentious or leaving the credible ‘indie territory’. The album opener The Embers is finest lo-fi delicacy that comes with such charming lyrical moments like ‘I’m just a small fish / and you’re a shark that hates everything’. And trust us, the other 7 songs are following similar territory.

What’s next?

Well, Infinite Worlds is out now via acclaimed label Father/Daughter Records and now it’s your duty to spread the word. She’s also touring the US all spring and you can consider us now officially on board of the hype train.

Everyday we’re adding NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION‘s Daily Tune to our ongoing Spotify playlist, packed with all the hidden treasures by those talented newcomers you need to know. Listen and follow right here.