Fans of slightly dark Nordic independent rock, please embrace your new goddess. SUAD is the stage name of this talented young lady from Helsinki who released her debut EP The Call back in October, packed with highly tempting and recommendable nocturnal delicacies. The singer previously already showed up on records of Uusi Fantasia and Jaakko Eino Kalevi but this is the year she’s finally stepping into the limelight with her own sound.
Today, NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION is thrilled to debut the music video for The Call which sees the artist and her fellow bandmembers exploring the ghostly surroundings of a mysterious old house, only armed with flashlights. Well, usually that’s not the best equipment you could pick in a horror movie but thank god, this is not your ordinary Hollywood blockbuster but rather a clip that transports the dark notion of the tune.
According to SUAD the song ‘catches a moment when the call for change is strong and cannot be ignored’ so it’s upon you to answer that call right after experiencing that lovely new music video below.