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Reviews of the most interesting albums. This category is not updated regularly.

Beyoncé, Kolinga, Hot Chip, and Co: Our Favorite Records from July and August

After a short summer hiatus here are some records from the previous months that are worth checking out. Every end of the month we are releasing a round up of reviews of recent releases that touched us the most. These are the personal reviews of hand-curated gems our team dug up (and the occasional chart topper). This time including Beyoncé, Xênia França, Interpol, Maggie Rogers, Hot Chip, Julia Jacklin, Kolinga, Working Men's Club, and Ben Shemie.

Let It Flow: Inside The Current Of Jules Ahoi’s “Melancholic Dreamwave”

From an upbeat surf-folk troubadour, Jules Ahoi has long evolved into a buzzing art-pop act with a sense for sweeping and remarkable songs for the here and now. NBHAP co-head Andreas finally took the opportunity for a chat with the songwriter and got a pretty good sense of what his latest LP is all about.

Four New Releases 10/06/22: Nick Mulvey, Sinead O’Brien, Shearwater, Olmo

Every Friday music fans are faced with the same burning question: What to listen to from the sheer endless sea of new albums, EPs and other releases? Don't worry, the people of NBHAP are here to help you with that. Our very own release roundup gives you a quick overview on the music that matters the most this week.

Four New Releases 03/06/22: Angel Olsen, Stars, Horsegirl, Marta Knight

Every Friday music fans are faced with the same burning question: What to listen to from the sheer endless sea of new albums, EPs and other releases? Don't worry, the people of NBHAP are here to help you with that. Our very own release roundup gives you a quick overview on the music that matters the most this week.

Four New Releases 27/05/22: Rosa Anschütz, HAAi, Just Mustard, Marina Satti

Every Friday music fans are faced with the same burning question: What to listen to from the sheer endless sea of new albums, EPs and other releases? Don't worry, the people of NBHAP are here to help you with that. Our very own release roundup gives you a quick overview on the music that matters the most this week.

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