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Reviews of the most interesting albums. This category is not updated regularly.

Four New Releases 27/05/22: Rosa Anschütz, HAAi, Just Mustard, Marina Satti

Every Friday music fans are faced with the same burning question: What to listen to from the sheer endless sea of new albums, EPs and other releases? Don't worry, the people of NBHAP are here to help you with that. Our very own release roundup gives you a quick overview on the music that matters the most this week.

“A Whole New World”: Lucas Laufen And The Gracious Art Of “Weathering”

Experiencing the music of the rising folk artist is an exercise in listening closely and his just released sophomore LP is a particular diamond in that regard. Following up on the subtle art of the acclaimed songwriter in the return of his folk column, NBHAP co-head Andreas caught up with the Australian to talk new sonic encounters, pandemic circumstances and urban challenges on a whole.

A Certain Regard: Making Sense of The Smile’s “A Light For Attracting Attention”

How can hype and expectation shape the music we hear? After one year of teasing, Thom Yorke and his indie elite company make their case with a debut that is in equal parts messy as it is spellbinding. For our new deep dive column, NBHAP author Nils Heutehaus took the time to jot down his notes on one of the most splendid 2022 musical happenings and he kindly invites you to take the journey with him.

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