Summer is approaching fast and before we’re all off leaving the city to celebrate the season on festivals or the beach NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION and FluxFM invite you to come together for one last time this week for our beloved Ja Ja Ja Club Nights in Berlin and Hamburg. One last time for the summer break we bring you three hot and buzzing new acts from the north. Norwegian newcomers SLØTFACE are about to unleash politically-loaded punk rock/ garage spirit while Helsinki’s VIEW offers dark and twisted rap of international standards. Last but least, Iceland’s neo R&B shooting stars VÖK give us the honour to bring their dreamy little pop gems straight onto the stage of Hamburg’s Molotow and Berlin’s Musik & Frieden.
And, of course, NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION once again gives you the chance to get your name on the guestlist for the events in Berlin and Hamburg. We’re giving away 2×2 tickets for both nights. Just send a mail to with the subject ‘Ja Ja Ja’, your full name and the city of your choice.
And in the meantime get to know all three acts a bit better right here via our entertaining Ja Ja Ja Q&A.
1. Name a stereotype about your country that is actually true, according to your experience.
Sløtface: We all like Bernie Sanders. Because we’re socialists..
View: Melancholia. I think the reason for this might be the fact that we live in the dark most of the year.
Vök: Everyone is related to some degree. The app is real.
2. Name three songs that should not be absent from your personal ‘Nordic Music Playlist’
Red Headed Sluts – State Of Joy
Veronica Maggio – Jag Kommer
Honningbarna – Prinser av Sarajevo
Femme en Fourrure – Smell
Smerz – Because
Kasperg – Better in time
AURORA – Warrior
Június Meyvant – Hailslide
Axel Flóvent – Dancers
3. What can we expect from your performance at the Ja Ja Ja club night?
Sløtface: Blood, sweat and sweat. Crazy dancing and good times *wink*
View: It’s not a usual rap or hip hop act. We got pretty amazing visuals made by Matti Vesanen and that compined with my stage presence I think we have a great show coming for you guys. Im looking forward to it.
Vök: A mix of old songs and new. Be prepared to dance!
4. What has been your best and also your most frustrating moment in your life as an artist so far?
Sløtface: It’s hard to single out one moment, but usually the best moments are when we get to play for lots of people who want to be a part of the community we are trying to create. The worst is when we don’t.
View: I think the best moment was when we did our first gig ever and It was a sold out event. I will never forget that night. The worst comes during every song that we make. I`m a perfectionist so I`m never fully satisfied with the result.
Vök: The best is always the post-gig dancing while the most frustrating moments are the ones involving petrol stop food.
5. Unleash your inner Burt Bacharach and complete the following sentence… ‘What the world needs now is…’
Sløtface: … more women writing, producing and performing music, and receiving the credit they deserve for their work (and world peace)
View: … less people, more caring
Vök: … Bernie!
6. We are all about hope and passion – what two elements define your artistic work?
Sløtface: PUNK ROCK!
View: Minimalism and Honesty
Vök: Earth, Wind (& Fire)
NBHAP & FluxFM presents Ja Ja Ja Club Night
Hamburg. Wednesday, May 11, 2016 (Molotow)
Pre-Sale: 5€ (JaJaJa member) / 7€ (non-member)
Sign up for membership | Get tickets | RVSP on Facebook
Berlin. Thursday, May 12, 2016 (Fluxbau)
Pre-Sale: 5€ (JaJaJa member) / 7€ (non-member)
Sign up for membership | Get tickets | RVSP on Facebook