The ghostly sounds of Rosa Anschütz have been on our radar for quite some time now. Following the really strong Rigid EP from earlier this year (which definitely deserves more attention) she recently shared a first track from her potential debut album, arriving in 2020. On the mesmerizing Soft Resource the Berlin-based artist continues to cast her ghostly spell. It’s four minutes of meditative and gloomy sounds that feels a bit like a transcendental take on pop. Imagine Billie Eilish and Andy Stott recording a song together and you might get an idea of what to expect from Rosa Anschütz. It’s not your everyday piece of nocturnal pop bliss, it’s something really hypnotizing.

The artist wrote and recorded the track in the country side when she left the big city for a bit. It’s a reflection of herself and also her own childhood which is also the reason why you’ll find a reference to the old Scottish folk classic My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean in here as this one really resembles her own past. The song embraces the aspect of total darkness as a motivation for your own reflection and the self-directed lo-fi music video underlines that notion. You can catch the exclusive premiere of the new music video right here on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION, so make sure to dim the lights when you hit the play button.

Every Monday we’re updating the 50-track-strong Listen AHEAD Playlist on Spotify, adding ten strong songs by sill relatively unknown artists at the beginning. This week’s new picks also include fresh songs from Effigie, HANYA, True, Niklas Paschburg, TWINS (which you can discover right here as well) and Wy singer Cuntrie (which we also featured last week in detail). Follow the playlist right here on Spotify and give these new talents a chance.