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Results for: the libertines

Will 2022 See The Big Return Of The 00s Indie Rock Icons?

Cleverly timed nostalgia, a true second coming or just pure coincidence? Some of the most loved indie rock groups from the golden heydays of the early 21st century are set to return with new records this year. NBHAP head and original ‘survivor’ of the indie scene, Norman Fleischer, gives an overview of what to expect in the next months.
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“Is This (Really) It”?: The Strokes’ Undying Classic Turns 20 And Remains A Buzzing Rock Monument

The group’s seminal debut of 2001 not only marked one of the first hypes of the Internet era, but also initiated a wave-like revival of garage rock, surging up the post-millenial indie movement that still reverberates to this day. Nearing the album’s twentieth, NBHAP author Andreas went down memory lane to reflect upon the record that is one, if not the most remarkable of 2000’s rock albums.
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