At its best moment, PTTRNS's new single 'Armado' overcomes time and space of the band's established indietronic sound and loses itself to the infatuated presence of an awakening saxophone play intertwined with hypnotic guitars and longing vocals.
The beloved wave pop two-piece from Hamburg shares another enigmatic piece of music from their upcoming new album and we are surely hyped by now.
As it was to be expected, 'Silent Wave' is quite a contradictory title for the Swede's first glimpse into their Denovali debut record. Lovers of noisy independent rock should embrace these guys as fast as possible.
The Swiss dream pop outfit unveils a tender taste from their upcoming second studio album 'The Future Of Lovers'.
10th anniversary: This year's Cologne Music Week features performances of promising newcomers from the vital city. Here are our special recommendations.
Sad'n'fucked but sublime goes the Swedish duo's new single. Now, exclusively debuting on NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION.
It's time for our annual return to beloved Dutch city Groningen for a get together of Europe's music industry. And we couldn't agree more with the pick of this year's focus country which is ready to unleash the full range of its musical potential.
Coucheron releases the high-energy, primary colour outlaw video for his ARY-featuring single.