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Results for: madonna

23/07/21: Leon Bridges, DARKSIDE, Molly Burch, Anika, Maja Lena

Every Friday music fans are faced with the same burning question: What to listen to from the sheer endless sea of new albums, EPs and other releases? Don't worry, the people of NBHAP are here to help you with that. Our very own release roundup gives you a quick overview on the music that matters the most this week.
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Celebrate The End Of This Shitty Year With Our Tasteful Party Playlist

How to party after a year like this? Especially when you are not really allowed to do it in a collective way? Well, maybe now letting off some steam is more important than ever. Just in time for socially distanced New Year's Eve parties all around the world we updated our beloved and diverse party playlist as a mood-lifter for the difficult times we live in. So, move your furnitures aside and give this one a spin.
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14 Great Albums Of 2020 You Might Have Missed

In a weird and chaotic year like 2020, it's totally normal to get lost in the whirlwind of new releases, and there are plenty of albums that slipped through our fingers over the past 12 months. Luckily, some of them still ended up on our personal best-of-the-year-lists and today the writers of NBHAP share some of their favourite hidden treasures of the year with you, including records by Billy Nomates, Mavi Phoenix, Eddie Chacon, Riz Ahmed, Spunsugar, Pillow Queens, Christian Lee Hudson, Pip Millett and many more.
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Ending 2020 On A High Note: The Avalanches Keep The Spark Of Hope Alive On Their Third Album

Following the legendary 16-year-gap between their first two albums the genre-breaking Australian group now returns with their relatively quick third album "We Will Always Love You." Following a year that was clearly lacking of hope and positive moments they couldn't have picked a better timing for their life-affirming pop cocktail. NBHAP head Norman Fleischer phoned up one half of the duo to discuss the process of making this record happen along with a few other subjects.
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