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Results for: austra

NBHAP’s 50 Best Songs Of 2020

What a freakin' year this has been! This sentence might be more true than at any moment in the past years. The Corona pandemic had a massive impact on pretty much all of our lives, the music industry and quite possibly also the rest of society. In the absence of live music events the songs and records that were released remained an anchor and provided much needed comfort in a difficult time. These are our fifty favourite tracks from this rollercoaster ride called 2020.
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“Out of Destruction Comes Creation”: Walking Through the Haze of Husky’s ‘Stardust Blues’

Can you really fit an entire day into one album? On their fourth LP, the Australian indie folk outfit Husky prove that you can, hitting a major peak in their impressive œuvre. NBHAP author Andreas caught up with front singer Husky Gawenda to chat about struggling through moments of transition and how every darkness is followed by new light. Isn't that a promise this world needs now more than ever?
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Listen AHEAD Playlist Update: Alex The Astronaut

The Australian artist continues to tease her anticipated debut album with a personal new single. Find the lovely "Banksia" on top of our newcomer playlist along with songs from Amaroun, Harrison Storm, Mia Berg, Spungsugar and more talents that should be on your radar.
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Late Night Talks: A Socially Distanced Date With Evvol

The middle of the night is a mystical time. It is somehow not really yesterday, not today anymore, and not tomorrow yet. In this vacuum, the way we view the world often changes to a more somber philosophical look on things. In this third edition of Late Night Talks, the Berlin-based Duo Evvol met up with Editor Liv Toerkell just before sunset.
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