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Results for: nico

Editors - Photo by Rahi Rezvani

Lockdown Listening Challenge: Catching Up On The Music Of Editors After Years Of Disinterest

The current phase of self isolation is forcing us to be creative, kill some time and maybe also do something we've never done before. Listening to music can be a great way of coping with the situation and we decided to make a little challenge out of it. Tine from our marketing department, for example, took the quarantine to rediscover a band that she once liked a lot but lost track over the years. Here's her report about facing Editors once again.
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Pink Floyd

Lockdown Listening Challenge: One Week To Get To The Essence Of Pink Floyd

The current age of self isolation is forcing us to be creative, kill some time and maybe also do something we've never done before. Listening to music can be a great way of coping with the current situation and we decided to make a little challenge out of it. NBHAP head Norman continues his journey to explore bands he never explored before by giving the mighty back catalogue of prog rock icons Pink Floyd way more attention than he did in the past.
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