Bedroom pop is, maybe along with soundcloud rap, the world’s hottest genre at the moment, the one with one of the biggest audiences and most potential to rocket artists to stardom outside of the traditional major label channels. And now, into the world of Clairo and Girl In Red steps a new artist. Russian musician and producer Victoria Zolotukhina, formerly known as Vivienxo and Smolalienbaby, but now going under the name April June, has a new EP on the way, and it’s being led by single Heaven’s Getting Closer. Heaven’s Getting Closer is an example of bedroom pop at its best, and showcases all the qualities that makes the genre work. It’s painted in late online’s lo-fi blurry colours, giving it a syrupy, slow-burning narcotic feel, but behind all that there’s real emotion, shining through the haze. And it doesn’t forget to come with a chorus that transforms the song into soaring, pure pop.