The husband and wife duo Sam and Sarah Gotley, better known under her moniker Blue Violet are teasing her upcoming debut LP Late Night Calls with the cinematic single Poster Girl. Previously known under their guise Broken Bones Matilda, the duo has been gearing up all their creative energy for the LP arriving in April 2022, and the recent tune fully embodies their budding potential. A swelling power ballad, staging a character who’s unafraid to stand her ground, “Poster Girl is a song about fighting back” guitarist Sam Gotley reports. “The character it centers around resists objectification, defends herself from evil and keeps whatever company she sees fit – in the chorus she finds herself the leader of a group of drunken sailors that accompany her on her voyage… As the writing process went on we felt that a dystopian, Orwellian setting was perfect for the female protagonist: weary traveller, fighter, lover & saviour all rolled into one.” Make sure you check this one out right here to start your week right.