The debut record of these promising young lads from Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard is taking shape more and more, just as the blazing new single New Age Millennial Magic is about to show. Bridging 70’s classic rock roots with a 21st century retro appeal, the Cardiff four-piece pull out their sonic guns for this one and deliver a pounding, guitar- and bass-driven highway to eccentric highs. Not without leaving their tongue-in-cheek statement on current affairs and a feisty zeitgeist critique, this power play is a bold statement of the roads ahead for the Welsh quartet and should push the hype around the group towards their debut EP even more. About the song, front singer Tom Rees states: “Seeing Gen-Z’ers quitting school and actually influencing real change in place of me theorising whether Engels would have put his recycling out really brought into focus how fickle millennials (including myself) really are”. Treat yourself to some fun vibes on this one right here.