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— Daily Tune 29/10/2019

Eliza Shaddad – ‘Girls’

The beloved Eliza Shaddad has a new EP called Sept ~ Dec in the making and since we almost overlooked her stunning debut last year we make sure to keep up with her now. Girls is the first song we get to hear from the new material and, as ever, it is a disarmingly honest statement. With her background in both jazz education and years of street musicianship Shaddad usually finds the exact right balance between musical delicacy and emotional immediacy. Girls is no exception to that rule with a typical, little grainy, 90s guitar ballad appeal. Circling around a complicated relationship to a good friend of hers, Shaddad explained that it’s basically a call to people to reach out to each other – something that her music always beautifully empowers and that’s very much needed for everyone of us. It’s almost as if Eliza Shaddad knows us all too well there…or as she sings in Girls: “I know you too well not to work it out”.

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