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— Daily Tune 16/02/2022

Matija Rekindle The Cinematic Indie-Pop Game With The Captivating “The Road”

If you think that the orchestral indie pop à la Keane or The Killers has long gone out of fashion, then the Munich-based trio Matija kindly ask you to hold their beer. The Road is their first 2022 release and within its yearning, though melancholic guise, the new tune expresses “a story of longing for escape, departure and new beginnings, full of melancholy and hope”. Sounds about right after the rollercoaster ride of the 2020s, which have really only just begun? Yeah, we think so too. Wrapped in dreamy soundscapes and yet full of thunderous rhythm, hammering the piece towards the sonorous finale, The Road is as much about the ecstatic wish to set off into a new life as about the sorrow and doubt that accompany that way. Yet, the voyage out remains the central message: “Today I’ll go, this place was never like a home / Inside her mind, she was dancing all the time”. Head over to this gem right here and make sure to check out their previous two records for a good time as well.

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