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— Daily Tune 24/09/2019

Mia Berg – ‘Berlin’

A Bergen native who later ended up in Oslo, Mia Berg‘s been putting out singles for just over a year now, before finally coming to this moment – the moment of her debut EP. The logically-titled Intro arrived on Friday, and one of the highlights of the EP is the single Berlin. Staying away from the game of trying to write the great Berlin song (so you’re safe for now, Iggy, Lou and Molly Nilsson), it instead uses the German capital as a dreamworld setting for better days, for an experimental pop song that relies on building atmospheres, a crackling backdrop of subtle beats that snaps between intensity and airiness. Berg floats all over that, her soul vocals aiming for simplicity over overt dramatics, gentle melodies lighting up a story of a relationship on the outs. Berlin is a strange little song, and that’s what makes it memorable, an innovative, arty take on modern pop. Intro is out now on Tik.

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