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— Daily Tune 05/09/2018

Sons Of Raphael – ‘A Nation of Bloodsuckers’

Two British brothers making Britpop together – hmmm somethings ringing in my head … But actually we’re not talking about the Gallaghers right now but rather want to introduce you two newcomers who share those characteristics with the famous band: Sons Of Raphael. Loral and Ronnel Raphael just released their first video A Nation Of Bloodsuckers ahead of their upcoming EP which will be out on September 14th. The smooth Britpop piece strongly reminds of Oasis and also their look is more 90ies than 2010s, but everybody knows that we tend to have a longing for past times. Anyway, the video was shot by Alberto Claro, who formerly worked on the movies Melancholia and Nymphomaniac by Lars von Trier. At the beginning Ronnel talks a few lines about god and then shoots himself in the head. Afterwards the two brothers perform in front of a carousel where people ride horses. They explain: ‘Here is a refusal to see violence and tenderness as binary, but painfully and tightly interwoven – just like the God we worship who could be both a warrior as well as a nurturing mother’. Pretty deep thoughts, right? Enjoy the relaxing track right here.

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