Now this wonderful dreamy piece of shoegaze pop definitely feels like it deserves the title Honeyspell because it’s as delicious and sweet as that implies. Hailing from Finland, Babel features established artists Mikko Pykäri and Karin Mäkiranta who met collaborating on Pykäri’s solo project O and indtantly hat a musical connection. That musical affair resulted in truly mesmerizing and shimmering dream pop that also comes with quite an interesting lyrical concept as the duo explains: “Honeyspell strives to illustrate reality-TV with music that’s typically not connected to that world. Instead of laughing at it, we took it seriously,” Babel explain. “By turning pieces of dialogue into lyrics, it turns a reality-TV star into someone who suddenly seems to carry all the wisdom about life.” So, there’s a bit more than meets the eye here although you are highly welcome to simply go with the awesome flow of this one. The four-track Honeyspell EP is out now, an entire debut album with the equally wonderful title Yoga Horror is set to arrive in 2022.