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— Daily Tune 25/11/2021

Leeds’ Crake Deal With Loss And Grief On The Folky “Lamb’s Tail”

The Leeds-based four-piece Crake seek comfort in music. Their single Lamb’s Tail is a folky contemplation of how to deal with loss and grief. With the unusual pitch of lead-singer Rowan Sandle’s voice, Crake turn a basic folk melody into a moving examination of an emotional journey to healing. „Sometimes we revert to silly rituals that comforted us as a child”, says Sandle about the song, but Lamb’s Tail is a serious single. You can feel the weight of the emotions that went into the song when listening. The dragging beat and the raspy vocals highlight that effect. Yet, it is more than a sad single because amidst all of the pain lies hope that dealing with it will actually help. Lamb’s Tail sounds like a first step in that direction.

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