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— Daily Tune 03/07/2019

John Moods – ‘I Wanted You’

Usually songwriter Jonathan Jarzyna is part of beloved dream pop outfit Fenster and you definitely sense that connection in the latest solo single of his alter ego John Moods. Still, it got a bit more drive and tempo than the recent releases of his main band. Feeling like a psychedelic take on Fleetwood Mac-inspired Americana the summerly I Wanted You feels like an odd clash of multiple genres and various pop cultural refrences. It’s a joyful affair, to say the least. Last year Jarzyna released his solo album The Essential John Moods which will now getting a vinyl release later this year, including this new song. He will be also playing at the cosy Alinae Lumr festival at the end of August, presented by NOTHING BUT HOPE AND PASSION and his gentle indie vibes definitely belong there.

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