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— Daily Tune 21/01/2019

K Á R Y Y N – ‘Ever’

Time for something more challenging on this Moday. Multi-disciplinary artist, composer and vocalist K Á R Y Y N is the latest addition to the Mute Records family so you shouldn’t be surprised about the sound that awaits you on her latest single Ever. The song is a mysterious but also quite soulful experience, that mixes raw emotions with complex electronic structures, somehow feeling like a missing link between Björk and FKA Twigs. It twists and turns and feels like it’s in an inner fight with its own emotional core and that is a fascinating thing to experience. Her debut album The Quanta Series arrives on March 29 and it documents her  journey of the past years that once started with a trip to Cherry Valley back in 2011 where she temporarily lived an hermitic life and was ready to give up music once and for all. Telling the rest of the story might be too much to tell right here but it hopefully works as a perfect cliffhanger for you to get excited about K Á R Y Y N‘s forthcoming release.

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