Laura Lee from the German grunge rock duo Gurr tells all of the inappropriate flirtations off on Craigslist Boy. With her new project Laura Lee & the Jettes, the noisy indie rock attitude that we know from the Berliner singer is maintained. With punchy lyrics inspired by personal experiences of unwanted advances, she confronts the Craigslist Boy that sends flirty messages when she just wants to sell a shelf, the left swipe on Tinder creeping up on Facebook, and Späti guy’s privacy violating flirtations. “If I was into you, you’d know”, Laura Lee rages on the chorus. Craigslist Boy is the third single release by Laura Lee & the Jettes and the music video for the song shows the singer’s message backed by artists from the Berliner indie circles like our dear friend Novaa. Enjoy this ride as your approaching the weekend.