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— Daily Tune 07/12/2018

No King. No Crown. – ‘Smoke Signals’

NBHAP has been following the artistic journey of Dresden-based singer/songwriter René Ahlig and his project No King. No Crown. for many years now and it makes us really proud to see that a) he still continues to record music and b) to witness his former bedroom project slowly turning into a full band. The qualities of his songwriting still remain the heart and core of No King. No Crown., despite all the changes. Their new single Smoke Signals is perfect testament of that new gained strength. A delicate electronic sound design is added to the acoustic elements without sounding too forced. Inspired by a trip to Iceland Ahlig wrote a tender love song to Mother Nature while repeatedly asking the rhetorical question whether humanity went too far with its technical achievements. The band’s new album follows 2016’s Without Yesterday and also goes by the name Smoke Signals. It arrives on February the 1st, 2019 and we surely hope you’ll have it on your radar.

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