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— Daily Tune 15/07/2021

Power Plush Unfold Summery Slack Pop Vibes On The Lush “Smth Cool”

Don’t we all we want something cool to do these days as the world is slowly recovering from months of lockdown? It’s a simple yet timeless message German four peace Power Plush spreads on their new single Smth Cool. And it fits the timelessness of their youthful and dreamy indie sound. Lead by three songwriters and singers – Anja (bass), Maria (guiatr) and Svenja (guitar) – and completed by drummer Nino there is a magical and warm vibe this song transports, perfect for lazy summer days and those times when you are actually longing for something cool to do to escape the monotony of everyday life. The dreamy tune is a first teaser of the debut EP by Power Plush which goes by the name Vomiting Emotions and arrives on September 17

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