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— Daily Tune 14/12/2018

Sofia – ‘Follow You (feat. Coucheron)’

This duo are two old pals of ours – we’ve done premieres for both Coucheron and Sofia in the past. Coucheron is also Sofia‘s producer, having produced the debut single Fake It we brought you a couple months back, but on this track he’s upgraded to feature level. The new single Follow You mixes soft, slow delicate pop with Coucheron‘s trademark manic synth bounce in the chorus, mixing dreamy and airy with high-octane, video-game poppy intensity. Sofia shows herself capable both of operating in both styles and pulling them off too, making this slightly schizophrenic song work as smart, peppy electro-pop. Follow You is out now on Toothfairy, and you can expect more from Sofia in 2019.

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