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— Daily Tune 29/04/2021

Novaa Reclaims Her Body And Works Through Trauma On “This Ain’t Your Home”

This Ain’t Your Home is a hard hitting single even though the instrumentation comes with playful delicacy. The song “came into being when I started realizing that I had been sexually abused,” the Berlin-based artist Novaa says about the single. Even though the electronic layers and the vocal tracks are intimate, the song conveys the freeing energy of finally speaking up about trauma and moving towards a healing space. “This ain’t your home / my body’s my own”, Novaa sings while dancing in the rain. The melodic alt-pop track shows once more that Novaa is a multi-talented producer, songwriter, and singer. And if you still don’t know her yet, make sure to check out our extended interview feature with her from last summer. This Ain’t You’re Home precedes the artist’s next record She’s A Rose out later this year.

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