2019’s self-titled debut album from Innere Tueren (which means ‘inner doors’ in German) is one of my favourite hidden treasures in the electronic music field of the past years. Needless to say I’m very happy that Ergin Erteber, the man behind the project, is now returning with follow-up material in the form of a brand new EP called Welten (‘Worlds’). Once again it will be released via acclaimed Leipzig label KANN and Everything I Couldn’t Tell You is the first track we get from it. It continues the the instrumental, sometimes krauty, sometimes dreamy and unobtrusive sound from the debut, making it feel like a cinematic daydream that is both – very abstract and yet quite intimate. It takes a skilled producer like Erteber to create such emotions with this sort of sound. Welten is out on June 11 and fellow friends of quality electronica should keep Innere Tueren on their radar.